man it's been a very long time i haven't update my blog. I'm started to loss interest in writing and wasting too much time on facebook. But after what i saw in my sister's facebook notes, I started to realize how much i love to 'create' stories to make it interesting as much as i could. Maybe after the long-exhausted exams have finish I will reconsidering to start on the blogging again. Since i have a lot of stories to share as a reminder for me and to all my fellow readers. Lebih kurang hikayat al-sabul. Eh. Tu cerita lain tu. Sesori.haha. Alright. I'll stop now since i have a lot to study!!! Bye2.

mereka dan dunia mereka...

selamat..selamat...selamat semuanya...
rase2 macam nak aktif kembali berblogging walaopon xde org yg bace blog aku ni rasenye....tp at least dapat menulis sesuatu bagus jugak...aku akan kembali kan kehangatan blog ini denga isu2 kontroversi....sepanjang pengamatan aku dgn post2 sebelom ni....ade jugak beberapa isu yg kontroversi...bukan ape...cume sekadar berfikir dari sudut perspektif yg berbeza...tapi ade juga kalangan yg tidak boleh menerima...sebab ape yg disampaikan tidak sealiran dgn pemikiran mereka...walhal tiada percanggahan dgn apa2 hukum agama...cume sedikit bertentangan dgn pendapat mereka...justeru terus mereka membangkang sekeras-kerasnya....kadang-kadang kita selalu terima apa yg kita melihat, terbaca, mendengar...tanpa menyiasat apa kandungan mesej tersebut...justeru terus kita menerima sebulat suara kerana ia seakan2 benar...adanye logic di situ...tapi kebenaran belum tentu...seperti
optical illusion....ia amat logik...memang menyerupai...tapi ia bukan perkara yg sebenar....dan org2 seperti ini akan mempertahankan habis-habisan apa yg mereka dengar itu....dan dalam kes yg lebih teruk mereka seolah-olah merasa mereka adalah2 benar2 belaka....tiada yg salah didalam diri mereka...dan bila akhirnya terbukti mereka salah dalam penilaian mereka...dalam penyebaran mereka....mereka akan berdiam diri dan berpura-pura tiada apa yg berlaku....apa la salahnye mengaku kesilapan dan memohon maaf...serta memperbetulkan ape yg salah itu...tidak jatuh sedikit pun maruah seseorang bila mereka mengakui kesilapan....tapi disebabkan ego yg menghantui diri sendiri, mereka senyap je...xpe la...chill2..

kita bukak topik laen pulak...sesungguhnya setiap org melalui zaman2 getir mereka...ada yg pd awalnye...ade yg pada pertengahan..dan ade yg pengakhiran...walao dimana jua posisi kita mesti la diingat ade lg yg lebih susah dari kita...so marilah berusaha lebih keras utk kejayaan...peringatan utk diri sendiri...

a 'little' update from me to you...

it was a year ago since i last wrote in this blog...such a long time...a year in Dublin had thought me about more than life....it was very interesting year...i got involved with photo soc...took so many pictures of so many events...a lot of new experiences gained...meet a lot of friends...going up and down of studies...study...exam...holiday...study again...such a student life...celebrated birthday of my friends....eat so much foods...gained weight...travel to manchester, london, nottingham, galway, belfast...not much..but ok la...involved in International Night....i was in the Kadazan Team...a new experience to me too...learned the Sumazau dance...performing in the PMCSA charity night....it was very enjoyable...got a good response from the audience...playing futsal in Notts Game....UCD-RCSI PMCSA sports day....the best part was i got a chance to feel the softness-freezing of snow...it was my first time thou...huhu...and many2 more events that packed in that year that maybe i have forgotten...too many things happen in a very short time...the time fly by with the wind through my window...its so fast that u didn't realize its been a year since u last wrote your entry in this blog...and last but not least i manage to past my first year...even though with full of obstacles...i face it all with open heart, full blast effort, prayer and lastly tawakkal...on God's will i pass all the obstacles...Alhamdulillah...till then we meet again...